Mystery Photos
Who is this cute girl?
Found in Gammy's loose photos, so probably a Carothers descendant.
Mystery German Family
This snapshot was found among photographs left by the Trein family. No identification appears on the front or back. They are most likely related to the Trein, Schuessler, Conrad or Beener families.
Who is this?
A nice studio portrait found among Gammy's Loose photos, but unidentified. She looks like Gammy's sister-in-law Audrey Barber, except not exactly. Could she be Audrey's sister Lucille Barber? Or someone else?
Who is this? A childhood friend of Gammy's?
Found among Gammy's photos
Who is this?
A nice studio portrait found among Gammy's Loose photos, but unidentified. She looks a little like Gammy's sister Effie Carothers, except not exactly. Or someone else?
Who is this? Another childhood friend of Gammy's?
Found among Gammy's loose photos.
Who is this? Another childhood friend of Gammy's?
Found among Gammy's loose photos.
Who is this mystery family?
From Elmah Barber's loose photos, so probably friends of the Carothers family...
Who is this mystery baby?
photo from "Clarence Studio, Pampa, Texas," so likely part of, or friends of Cabaness family.
Mother and toddler daughter on front porch
Found in Gammy's loose photos, so is probably a Carothers descendant
Who is Betty?
Studio photo from Toppenish, Washington
Who are the three kids with a goat?
The back side identifies them as Emily, Lucy, and Billy.
Who is this lonesome kid on the front porch?
The address on the back side is for "Winnie Yeager."